SHOFT Selected for Finals of BRITISH Design Awards

Design is all about ‘form’ (what it looks & feels like) and ‘function’ (what it actually does and how well it performs).  SHOFT ticks both boxes and in this respect is a good example of great design.


By |February 20th, 2018|SHOFT Blog|0 Comments|
Adi News Shoft Review

Adi News Testimonial Of Shoft


By |October 22nd, 2017|SHOFT Blog|0 Comments|

Drive Time Recommends SHOFT for Fleet Drivers

The independent Fleet advice organisation DRIVE TIME has reviewed SHOFT over many weeks and using 15 subjects.

The results are in line with other top motoring journalists and Rob Watson, the editor and main tester recommends companies with fleet vehicles to seriously consider installing SHOFT into all their vehicles.



By |September 21st, 2017|SHOFT Blog|0 Comments|

Free Car Mag Verdict on SHOFT – 10/10

The new Free Car Mag, written and produced by some of the best talent picked from Autocar magazine have given SHOFT a good workout in a variety of cars and their verdict is 10/10! James Ruppert, chief editor and car nut was so impressed that they want to offer SHOFT packs regularly as prizes to their readers.  The magazine is hard copy in London and is available all over the world on line at

// Create your own user feedback survey


By |April 30th, 2017|SHOFT Blog|0 Comments|

FOX News Review ‘Great British Invention’ – 5*

Fox News reported on a review of SHOFT and introduced it to the USA (well, some of them!).  This led to a flurry of interest and orders from US citizens and opened up just a little more of the huge potential SHOFT has in making car journey’s more comfortable.

By |April 22nd, 2017|SHOFT Blog|0 Comments|

BabyWorld Readers Rate SHOFT

Readers of the on-line forum and magazine for mothers in the UK Baby World have given a big THUMBS UP for the ‘Revolutionary’ SHOFT

Sophiloo12 wrote ‘I would recommend it to anyone who also travels a lot or is concerned about their posture’

Nutsandbump wrote ‘When in use the SHOFT keeps the lap part of the belt tight but comfortable prevent the seat belt from slipping and loosening, and in my partners case kept his lower back in the seat preventing him from slouching down in to a bad position and then ending up with back ache’.

Chebs13 wrote ‘The main benefit I noticed with the SHOFT is that I no longer slouched during journeys as the belt was kept too tight to be able to do this’.

Thank you Baby World

You can see the whole review here:



By |December 16th, 2016|Reviews, SHOFT Blog|1 Comment|


SHOFT, the clever little award winning device that helps us sit in a healthier and safer position in our cars has featured on QVC TV and soon to be on the Channel 4 hit show ‘Buy It Now!’ In this short video co-inventor and car-wellbeing author Dr Graham Cox demonstrates how to install a SHOFT and explains why we should all install this device to protect our backs and keep us sitting comfortably in our vehicles.

Great Sitting Advice from

See how to sit comfortably and healthily from the back experts  But to maintain this sitting position you’ll need a SHOFT fitted because if you don’t you’ll probably end up slipping down an inch or 2… putting strain onto your protective back muscles…

Click to access Driving-and-Back-Pain-Factsheet.pdf


By |April 19th, 2016|SHOFT Blog|0 Comments|

BRAKE Safety Award Finalist

SHOFT made the finals to the 2018 BRAKE safety awards final 2015. Click HERE for more info.



By |December 9th, 2015|SHOFT Blog|0 Comments|

New Install Video – 45 seconds