SHOFT Customer Review After 1 Year of Use
Roger, a SHOFT customer not only reviewed SHOFT but also measured the slouch before he used the device… showing just how much we slip down during normal driving. In addition he also states that he no longer gets back pain and can drive further in comfort with SHOFT attached to his seat belt. His video review link is below… well worth watching. It might just lead to you having thousands of comfortable hours driving and prevent back problems. #posture #car #cool #cargadgets #caraccessory #carsafety #carcomfort #gifts #carholidays #jayleno #richardhammond #healthandsafety #cargift #freecarmag #chrisevans #spine #cargift #backpain #backache #pregnantdriving #boosterseats #rospa #comfortdriving #autocar #boosterseat #childbooster #RoSPA #autoexpress #coolgadget #birthdaygift #EuroNCAP #antibacterial #mrsa #seatbelttongue #seatbelt #comfort #saferseatbelt #slack #noslack #backspecialist #ergonomics #drive #chiropractor #osteopath #physiotherapist #giftideas #fathersday #carmods #petrolhead #drivebackhappy #cinch #itsacinch #carmodificationsÂ